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"Twerking" and "selfie" added to Oxford Dictionary of Enlgish

Sunday 1 December 2013

Lost in a wave of modern lingo? Allow Oxford Dictionary of English to resolve this problem. "Twerking" and "selfie" are the latest additions to be added to this authoritative collection if English words.

Twerking has seen a meteoric rise in its uses, with Oxford Dictionaries Online (ODO) saying the word, borrowed from hip hop culture, having been present for nearly 20 years, had now find itself into everyday conversation. Selfie refers to the pouty self-portrait normally taken with a smartphone. Taking a selfie while twerking? That's just obscene.

Pronunciation: /twəːk/
[no object] informal
dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance:
just wait till they catch their daughters twerking to this song
twerk it girl, work it girl

1990s: probably an alteration of work

Pronunciation: /ˈsɛlfi/
(also selfy)
noun (plural selfies)
a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website:
occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself every day isn’t necessary

early 21st century: from self + -ie



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