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Tolkien's Hobbits drawings published

Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Art of the Hobbit

To note that 75th anniversary of the publication of the book, around 20 illustrations done by Tolkien are being published. When the publishers HaerperCollins started the project they found over 100 illustrations buried in the Bodleian Library in Oxford.

"That was a surprise. I thought there might be 40-50 in total," said publisher David Brawn. "But there are 110 Hobbit pictures, about two dozen of which haven't been published before."

Some real Tolkien fans might remark that The Hobbit was actually first published in 1937, however Tolkien delivered the manuscript to his publishers in 1936, so this has allowed HarperCollins to start the anniversary celebrations.

For more information about Tolkien, take our Tolkien & C.S Lewis tour of Oxford which currently includes visiting the Magic Books exhibition at the Bodleian Library, which has some hand illustrations currently on display!

via The Guardian 


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