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Getting Trashed...

Monday 20 June 2011

Here is the sight on one of our tours last week. Great bit of fun. Apparently people have been taking it a little too far, with one girl being fined for throwing a trifle, and then being told she will not graduate unless she pays off the fine. Perhaps this is a trifle too far by the University (yes,we actually did make that joke), especially after having seen curry paste and empty bottles of Tabasco around the road. If the trifle did actually look anything like it does in the newspaper article, we wouldn't mind some leftovers. 


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Footprints Tours represents a new approach to sightseeing. The idea started because we don't like seeing tourists exploited: we think it's crazy to ask you to pay for a tour before you have experienced it. We believe in the power of the customer and the power to freely indicate whether or not we merit a tip. So when you take one of our tours, you, the customer, decide how good the tour has been, and voluntarily give just as much as you want.

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