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So, if you like free stuff.....

Monday 7 March 2011

Footprints is a huge fan of the Fudge Kitchen. Yes ok, our meeting point is next to their store, and a friend who makes fudge is always better than a enemy who makes fudge. But these guys make goooood fudge. Plus they give away samples, for...yep, free. We would definitely recommend indulging in their fudge, and then walking it off on one of our tours! 


Tell me a little more?

Footprints Tours represents a new approach to sightseeing. The idea started because we don't like seeing tourists exploited: we think it's crazy to ask you to pay for a tour before you have experienced it. We believe in the power of the customer and the power to freely indicate whether or not we merit a tip. So when you take one of our tours, you, the customer, decide how good the tour has been, and voluntarily give just as much as you want.

Check out our site: www.Footprints Tours.com