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In The Beginning....

Monday 31 January 2011

Thanks for logging on to our new Blog. The aim of this Blog is to keep people up to date with exciting events and random occurrences in Oxford. At Footprints we're fortunate enough to spend a lot of time in this city centre of Oxford giving our Oxford Walking Tours, so this part of our site will be useful to share some of our experiences and information. Please feel free to leave comments or give us feedback. If you think we should talk more about certain aspects of Oxford life, or you really like a post, let us know! We will try to label our posts, so you can quickly sift through the different sorts of posts, but ultimately we just want to share our passion for this incredible city.

Thanks again for looking and feel free to follow this Blog or us on Facebook.



Tell me a little more?

Footprints Tours represents a new approach to sightseeing. The idea started because we don't like seeing tourists exploited: we think it's crazy to ask you to pay for a tour before you have experienced it. We believe in the power of the customer and the power to freely indicate whether or not we merit a tip. So when you take one of our tours, you, the customer, decide how good the tour has been, and voluntarily give just as much as you want.

Check out our site: www.Footprints Tours.com